Jun 12, 2016
Pentecost Power – Part 3
By: Abe Wiebe
The Promise, The Presence, The Power
The Promise of the Holy Spirit, brought the Presence of the Holy Spirit. The Presence of the Holy Spirit, brings the Power of the Holy Spirit! As a Christ-follower, the power of the Holy Spirit is essential to living an effective, God-Centered life.
- Jun 12, 2016Pentecost Power – Part 3
Jun 12, 2016Pentecost Power – Part 3By: Abe WiebeThe Promise, The Presence, The PowerThe Promise of the Holy Spirit, brought the Presence of the Holy Spirit. The Presence of the Holy Spirit, brings the Power of the Holy Spirit! As a Christ-follower, the power of the Holy Spirit is essential to living an effective, God-Centered life.
- May 29, 2016Pentecost Power – Part 2
May 29, 2016Pentecost Power – Part 2By: Abe WiebeThe Promise, The Presence, The PowerThe Promise of the Holy Spirit, brought the Presence of the Holy Spirit. The Presence of the Holy Spirit, brings the Power of the Holy Spirit! As a Christ-follower, the power of the Holy Spirit is essential to living an effective, God-Centered life.
- May 22, 2016Channels For God
- May 15, 2016Pentecost Power – Part 1
May 15, 2016Pentecost Power – Part 1By: Abe WiebeThe Promise, The Presence, The PowerThe Promise of the Holy Spirit, brought the Presence of the Holy Spirit. The Presence of the Holy Spirit, brings the Power of the Holy Spirit! As a Christ-follower, the power of the Holy Spirit is essential to living an effective, God-Centered life.
- May 8, 2016A Mother’s Heart
May 8, 2016A Mother’s HeartBy: Abe WiebeSeries: (Non-Series)A Mother's heart is always wanting to be enough. Truth is, no mother, or anyone else, can always be enough for the circumstances of life. JESUS ALONE is enough! When we are REAL and not hiding the realities of our life, God's grace can show up and draw our hearts to Himself.
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May 1, 2016Seasons Of ChaosBy: Dave WellsSeries: (Non-Series)How should you respond when you hit a season of chaos in your life? Listen to find out!
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Apr 24, 2016The Significance of PassoverBy: Jack StanowskiSeries: (Non-Series)What is the significance of Passover? How does it foreshadow what Jesus did on the cross for us? Listen to find out!
- Apr 17, 2016How Should I Speak?
Apr 17, 2016How Should I Speak?By: Abe WiebeSeries: My Life - Making A DifferenceThe Words You Speak, Transform The Life You Live!
- Apr 10, 2016What Is My Thorn?
Apr 10, 2016What Is My Thorn?By: Abe WiebeSeries: My Life - Making A DifferenceEven in our weakness, God can accomplish His will in our lives. We are not disqualified by our failures, but we are qualified by His grace!
- Apr 3, 2016Why Am I Accepted?
Apr 3, 2016Why Am I Accepted?By: Abe WiebeSeries: My Life - Making A DifferenceYou and I are made acceptable to God through His Grace. It is not by what we do for Him, but by what He does for us!